HOTT in Middle Earth: Ithilien In Flames

It is 2951 of the Third Age. Far to the North the Steward of Gondor Turgon hears news that Dol Guldur is being retaken by the Nazgul. Sauron has openly declared himself in Mordor and now the last few valient people of Ithilien are being evacuated under the protection of the Ithilien forces. Turgon has sent his Captain Madril from Cair Andros to secure safe passage. Madril’s ships land at the Field of Cormallen.

The Army Of Ithilien:

Hero General Madril 4pt

Gondor Blades x2 4pt

Ithilien Spears x3 6pt

Ithilien Rangers x3 6pt

Ithilien Riders x2 4pt


The Forces of Mordor:

Blade General Uruk 2pt

Uruk Hai Blades x2 4pt

Uruk Hai Spears x3 6pt

Troll Behemoth 4pt

Orc Shooters x4 8pt


The landings at the Fields of Cormallen are unopposed and the defenders of Ithilien take the field. The Rangers have the golden trees to their rear and the riders take to opposite flank. Out of the gloomy East they hear the trump of approaching foes. These are not just orcs, but fearsome Uruk Hai.

The riders to the south ride forward to encounter the Uruks. Their general has taken this flank and the even match of blades verses riders might be in doubt if he can outflank the horsemen.

The rangers start to pepper the advancing orc archers, but there are more of them and they are whipped forward by their overseers. In the centre a mighty troll clashes with the blades of Gondor. Madril holds the line against the Uruk spears.

The great troll just keeps on coming. Madril turns to give support, but the troll is a tough nut to crack.

My hope that the riders would be able to beat the Uruk blades was unfounded. True the riders meet the blades evenly, but there are more of them with the Uruk General. In a short time the Gondor flank is in danger.

Madril races to secure the flank and come to blows with the Uruk General while his spears and blades seek to stop the troll behemoth. The Uruks form themselves up and attack. Madril presses to relieve his soldiers from this assualt.

While on the north flank the orcish bows have split the ranger’s defensive line and they start to fall back.

Madril reaches the Uruk General. He is now on his own as his other blades are pushed back. Calamity! Everone’s last wish occurs. Madril is Sixed! He will not be going home. Mordor is victorious.

There will be no boats returning to Cair Andos. Ithilien has fallen.

I hope that you have enjoyed this battle report. It was fun to play and I wanted to try out a blade heavy Mordor army after the warband/hoard tactics of the last game. This proved good for the forces of darkness. The troll was also a formidable enemy to the blades. At one point I had to stop attacking it as a repulse would have seen the beast kill the Gondor troops behind it.

All the figures are 25mm. The Gondorians are Minifigs Mythical Earth for the most part. The Orcs are Garrison and the Uruks Prince August homecasts. The troll is from Hinchcliffe.

All comments and crits welcome.

~ by kropotkin303 on February 15, 2023.

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